Friday 17 December 2021

Study in Denmark

 Study in Denmark 

                                            Firstly you the Fact about Denmark

  1. One of the happiest countries in the world
Denmark has been named the world's happiest country on numerous occasions, and remains to be in the very top of the UN World Happiness Report

    2. The Oldest Flag in the World

First acknowledged in 1219, the Danish flag "Dannebrog" remains the oldest state flag in the world still in use by an independent nation. Turning 800 years has never looked better - and we'll celebrate it in true Danish birthday fashion: with a bunch of flags of course.

3. Danish Pastry

In the 1840s, some Austrian bakers settled themselves in Denmark and introduced the beloved pastry. For this reason Danish pastry is actually called "wienerbrød" or "Viennese bread" in Denmark.

4.More than 50% of Copenhageners Cycle to and From Work Every Day

Copenhageners cycle an average of 3km every day and this adds up to people cycling 35 times around the world every day in Copenhagen! The bicycle is clearly the preferred mode of transport in Denmark: 4 out of 10 Danes own a car but 9 out of 10 Danes own a bike. Some of us have more than one!

LEGO was invented by a Dane.

6.Health Care and Education is Free

Well, kind of. The health care and education is being paid for by taxes, so in a sense,
it’s paid for by the people. But, it also means that not only the richest people have the opportunity to get health care and good education. It’s something that the Danes should be very proud of.

7. Per Capital Income 
The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Denmark was last recorded at 56202.17 US dollars in 2020. The GDP per Capita in Denmark is equivalent to 445 percent of the world's average

Lets Start Study Process in Denmark/How to apply in Danish University.
There many Programs to apply in Danish University. Choose your Best Bachelor/Masters/P.hD Programs 

Click Here for Study in Denmark

There are many Higher Education Institutes like 

  • Copenhagen Business School (CBS) ...
  • Aarhus University (AU) ...
  • Roskilde University (RUC) ...
  • University of Copenhagen (UCPH) ...
  • University of Southern Denmark (SDU) ...
  • IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) ...
  • Aalborg University (AAU) ...
  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Sunday 15 November 2020

Scientist Discover Water On Mars!!!!!!!!


Research of an Indian scientist to discover life and water on Mars

Some time ago, a study of three huge saltwater lakes was found under the ice at the south pole of Mars. Similar lakes also exist on earth that contain extremophiles, that is, microorganisms that can live in an extremely hot or extremely cold environment. Shatakshi Asthana spoke with Indian-born scientist Dr Ram Karan, who works on similar extremophiles for Navbharat Times Online. These organisms can live without oxygen, at subzero temperatures, and in salt water where other organisms cannot survive. They are found on the deep Antarctic Lake on Earth and similar creatures can be found in the Lakes of Mars. Dr Ram Karan researched this organism at the University of Maryland, funded by the US space agency NASA. Dr Karan Red C., a young enzymological researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, is conducting research in Antarctica. Read here, interesting things told by Dr Ram Karan about life on Mars and these untouched corners of the earth.

The pursuit of “ life ” on earth

Dr Ram Karan, in collaboration with researchers from Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia and France, discovered the characteristics of a microorganism found in Antarctica that allows it to survive in conditions similar to the environment of Mars. This research has been accepted by a prestigious international scientific journal “Microorganism” based in Switzerland. This particular microorganism was discovered in a very large salt lake “Deep Lake” in Antarctica. Dr. Ram Karan discovered an enzyme “lactase”  in this organism. He also explained in detail its design.

It is not known whether life is present in Mars’ atmosphere or not, but expeditions from NASA and other countries are working to find out.

In 2017, one of his articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America discussed Antarctic microorganisms. It has been said that the molecular basis of life for bacteria is like life on Mars and the discovery of other planets in our galaxy.

Delhi Morning after Diwali!!!!!!!!


Morning after Diwali, Delhi air quality ‘severe’ but better than last year’s, relief likely

Post-Diwali pollution levels Sunday were marginally lower than what was recorded in 2019 with AQI at 459 at 11 am. Last year, AQI on the day after Diwali in Delhi had touched 506.

New Delhi: Despite the ban imposed on the sale and use of firecrackers, Delhi saw widespread use of crackers on Diwali, leading the hourly average concentrations of PM2.5 levels to touch over 1,000 micrograms per cubic meters around midnight.

Even so, the post-Diwali pollution levels were marginally lower than what was recorded last year, with AQI at 459 at 11 am Sunday. In 2019, AQI on the day after Diwali in Delhi had touched 506. The SC ban on firecrackers last year too had failed to curb their use.

SAFAR, the pollution forecasting system run by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) Pune, had predicted Saturday that Delhi would see much better AQI as compared to the past four years around the Diwali period that if firecracker ban was successful .In 2018, the overall AQI the day after Diwali was recorded at 642. In 2017, this figure was at 367 while 2016 saw the index recording 425. This year, Diwali coincided with a spike in stubble burning incidents in Punjab and Haryana, along with winds that transported smoke from the neighboring states to the national capital.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Folisin are products for hair loss in men. To create the recipe of the food
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supplement,as many as 13 ingredients were used that inhibit baldness, support hair growth and have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp, creating the perfect environment for new hair growth. Importantly, all the ingredients used to create the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause side effects.
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Folisin food supplement provides the body with a number of important nutrients, the deficiency of which is one of the causes of hair loss. Regular use of the supplement counteracts this process and supports hair regrowth in places where they have already fallen out, such as the bend or the top of the head. In addition, Folisin helps maintain optimal blood testosterone levels and has a positive effect on pigmentation, allowing you to maintain the natural color of your hair. 
Click here to learn more

Monday 6 July 2020

Nutrigo Lab Burner

Buy now
Nutrigo Lab Burner is a food supplement addressed to persons who want to lose weight and shape their figure.  The product contains 6 ingredients, which are considered to be natural fat tissue reducers.  The Nutrigo Lab Burner food supplement is especially recommended for athletes who want to quickly lose excess kilograms and expose their muscles.  
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Nutrigo Lab Burner helps to reduce body fat and prevents its storage. Regular use of the capsules helps reduce the appetite and maintain normal blood glucose levels.  The effectiveness of the supplement is primarily influenced by the SINETROL® Xpur component, which increases the rate of release of fatty acids and glycerol.

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It is worth noting that the formula of the supplement was created based exclusively on natural plant extracts and minerals.  As a result, the product is safe for the body.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Nutrigo Lab Regeneration

Nutrigo Lab Regeneration
 is a food supplement used after training.          Its task is to accelerate the process of muscle regeneration, replenish lost energy, as well as reduce pain associated with intense exercise.
To Buy click the link
Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is a food supplement dedicated to professional athletes who want to support the process of post-workout regeneration of the body. Due to a large dose of proteins, amino acids and casein, it reduces muscle pain and accelerates the process of building them. The product is very popular with professional athletes, regardless of the type of discipline they practice.
Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is a combination of high quality ingredients. The product includes Optipep® protein, characterized by high absorbability and PeptoPro® casein hydrolyzate.

Friday 31 January 2020

Wireless Keyboard and Mouse


Reliable Logitech Wireless Technology: 2.4Ghz wireless keyboard.
Plug and play USB Connection Setup is simple—you just plug them into USB ports on your desktop, laptop, or netbook computer and start using it. Everything works right out of the box.
Excellent Battery Life:2 years battery life for keyboard and 5 months battery life for mouse, with two AAA batteries.
High Definition optical mouse : You’ll enjoy smooth, responsive cursor control with high-definition optical tracking. The sculpted, ambidextrous shape feels good in either hand.
Media Hot keys: The things you do most are right at your fingertips with one-touch controls for instant access to play/pause, volume, mute, and the Internet.
System compatibility: Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows RT.
Click The image  to Buy   

Sunday 15 December 2019

Canadian Government New PR Program

The newly released Liberal Party of Canada’s 2019 federal election platform contains four immigration promises they will implement if Canadian voters return them to power on October 21. 
Those promises are:
  • Move forward with modest and responsible increases to immigration;
  • Launch a “Municipal Nominee Program;”
  • Make the Atlantic Immigration Pilot permanent; and
  • Make applying for Canadian citizenship free for permanent residents.

400,000 immigrants per year?
The Liberals’ promise to increase immigration to Canada comes as no surprise.
Since assuming power in 2015, the Liberals have gradually increased immigration levels from about 260,000 annually to a target of 330,800 in 2019. That target is set to reach 350,000 by 2021.
What is new, however, is they are suggesting that the increases will continue beyond 2021, which means Canada’s intake could trend even closer toward the 400,000-newcomer level in the final years of a renewed Liberal mandate (i.e., 2022 and 2023).

Click here to check your Eligibility for any Canadian Immigration Program 

What will the Municipal Nominee Program look like?
While the launch of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in 1999 has played a major role in promoting immigration to smaller provinces such as Manitoba, Saskatchewan and those in Atlantic Canada, immigrants continue to predominantly settle in Canada’s largest cities.
With a few exceptions, most provinces see at least 80 per cent of their immigrants go to one city, which results in smaller municipalities struggling to address their labour force needs through immigration.
Details remain scarce as to what the proposed Municipal Nominee Program (MNP) might look like but recent pilots launched by the Liberals such as the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) and Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) provide us with a glimpse of what to expect.
The Liberal platform states that a minimum of 5,000 new spaces will be dedicated to the MNP. This suggests that the MNP is likely to be introduced as a pilot, just like every other economic class program launched since 2013.
This would mean that up to 2,750 principal applicants could be selected through the MNP (the maximum number of principal applicants that can be selected through a federal pilot program), with the remainder arriving as spouses and dependents.
Distributing 2,750 principal applicant spots across a country as large and diverse as Canada would be difficult. The Liberals may choose to use the same approach as the RNIP whereby they invite municipalities across Canada to submit applications to receive designation by the federal government to “recommend” immigrants.
Like the RNIP, the MNP might then enable designated municipalities to “recommend” immigrants who have a job offer and/or ties to the municipality. The federal government would then review the qualifications of such immigrants to ensure they meet certain requirements such as language proficiency, educational credentials, and work experience.
Among the unknown issues is whether municipalities covered by the RNIP and AIP would also be eligible to participate in the MNP.
On the one hand, inviting these municipalities to participate would provide them with an extra tool to recruit more immigrants. Doing so, however, might make it even more difficult to distribute 2,750 principal applicant spots across Canada.
Why make citizenship applications free?
A permanent resident of Canada is eligible to apply for citizenship after they have been physically present in the country for at least 1,095 days (three years) during the five years before submitting their application.
Along with their application, they must pay a fee, which the federal government increased from $100 to $300 for adults in February 2014. It was then raised to $530 in January 2015, plus a “right of citizenship fee” of $100.
While citizenship acquisition is high—over 80 per cent of immigrants end up becoming Canadian—critics have argued that the higher fee has made it more difficult for immigrants with lower incomes to gain citizenship.
Analysis conducted by Andrew Griffith, a leading researcher on Canadian citizenship policy, suggests the higher fee is among the reasons why citizenship applications have declined in recent years. Other deterrent factors included more stringent residency, language, and citizenship test requirements, which the Liberals reformed in 2017.
The promise to waive the fees altogether is part of those earlier efforts to reform the Citizenship Act and make acquiring citizenship as accessible as possible regardless of socio-economic factors such as age and income.
The Liberal platform forecasts that waiving the application fee will cost taxpayers $75 million in the 2020-21 federal fiscal year and this figure will rise to $110 million by 2023-24.
This costing suggests that the Liberals are expecting a significantly higher number of permanent residents to become citizens as a result of their reforms as well as their increases to immigration levels.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot(RNIP)

The Canadian Government announced New Program. Which name is Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program(RNIP)

Who can apply

To be eligible for the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program, you must meet all IRCC eligibility requirements. You must
If you meet all of the requirements, you can start to look for an eligible job in the community.

Work experience

You need 1 year of continuous work experience (at least 1,560 hours) in the past 3 years.
To calculate your hours of work experience
  • count the hours worked in part-time and full-time jobs
    • the hours must be in 1 occupation, but they can be with different employers
    • the hours must be over a period of at least 12 months
    • these working hours can be inside or outside Canada
      • if you worked in Canada, you must have been allowed to work in Canada
  • don’t count hours you weren’t paid for (volunteering or unpaid internships don’t count)
  • don’t count hours when you were self-employed
Your work experience must include
  • most of the main duties and all the essential duties listed in your National Occupational Classification (NOC)
  • the activities listed in the lead statement of your NOC
You can see which duties are involved by searching your job title on the NOC web page.

International students

You’re exempt from the work experience criteria above if you’re an international student who graduated with
  1. credential from a 2+ year-long post-secondary program and you
    1. were studying as a full-time student for the full duration of the 2+ years
    2. received the credential no more than 18 months before your application for permanent residence
    3. were in the community for at least 16 of the last 24 months spent studying to get your credential
  2. A master’s degree or higher and you
    1. were studying as a full-time student for the duration of your degree
    2. got your degree no more than 18 months before your application for permanent residence
    3. were in the community for the length of your studies
You cannot apply as an international student if your credentials are from a program in which
  • studying English or French made up more than half of the program
  • distance learning made up more than half of the program
  • a scholarship or fellowship was awarded that requires you to return to your home country to apply what you learned

What is a credential?

Credential here means a degree, diploma, certificate or trade or apprenticeship from a Canadian publicly funded institution in the community recommending you. You must also have had valid temporary resident status for the duration of your studies.

Language requirements

You must meet the minimum language requirements based on the NOC category that applies to the job offer in the community. This can either be the
  • Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) or
  • Niveaux de compĂ©tence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)
The minimum language requirements for each NOC category are
  • NOC 0 and A: CLB/NCLC 6
  • NOC C and D: CLB/NCLC 4
You must submit your results from a designated language test. These results must be less than 2 years old when you apply.

Educational requirements

You must have
  • a Canadian high school diploma or
  • an educational credential assessment (ECA) report, from a designated organization or professional body, showing that you completed a foreign credential that’s equal to Canadian secondary school (high school)
    • the ECA report must be less than 5 years old on the date of your application
    • the original ECA report must have been issued on or after the date the organization was designated

Settlement funds

Unless you’re already working legally in Canada when you apply, you must prove you have enough money to support yourself and any family members while you get settled in your community.
You must prove you have enough money to support any family members you may have, even if they’re not coming to Canada with you.

Intend to live in the community

To participate in the pilot, you must plan to live in the community.

Community-specific requirements

Each community will have additional requirements for applicants.
Visit their websites to learn about their community-specific requirements.

Community websites

The pilot will launch in participating communities at different times.
If a website is listed as “coming soon”, the pilot hasn’t launched in that community.
CommunityCommunity website
North Bay, ONComing soon
Sudbury, ONComing soon
Timmins, ONComing soon
Sault Ste. Marie,
Thunder Bay,
Brandon, MBComing soon
Moose Jaw, SKComing soon
Claresholm, ABComing soon
Vernon, BCComing soon
West Kootenay (Trail, Castlegar, Rossland, Nelson), BCComing soon

About the pilot

The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot is a community-driven program. It’s designed to spread the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to work and live in 1 of the participating communities.

About the process

There are 4 steps to applying for permanent residence under this pilot.
  1. Check that you meet both
    1. IRCC eligibility requirements and
    2. community-specific requirements
  2. Find an eligible job with an employer in 1 of the participating communities
  3. Once you have a job offer, submit your application for recommendation to the community
  4. If a community recommends you, apply for permanent residence
Each community will also have their own
  • additional eligibility requirements
  • job search process
  • community recommendation application process
This information will be available on their websites.

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Wednesday 25 September 2019

Italy will pay 700Euro a month to move here......

           Molise Active Residence Income
In the special edition of the Official Bulletin of the Molise Region, dated 17 September 2019, the notice was published concerning "Income from active residence for access to the Fund in favor of individuals who are going to reside in municipalities with population up to 2000 inhabitants ".

The request must be sent, under penalty of exclusion, by pec to the address:, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document of the signatory and all the required documents, within and not after 12:00 on the 30.11.2019
To Apply click blow link

Study in Denmark

  Study in Denmark                                                          Firstly you the Fact about Denmark One of the happiest countrie...